Robert is a lawyer from Ottawa, currently practicing law with Regent Law Professional Corporation, where his commercial litigation practice is focused on international legal issues. Previously Robert worked in the International Security and Political Affairs branch of the former Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (now Global Affairs Canada) in Ottawa.
He is a Juris Doctor graduate (2012) of the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. Robert is the Co-Founder and Chief Legal Counsel for the Young Diplomats of Canada (YDC), a Canadian non-partisan, non-profit, youth-led diplomatic leadership organization. Robert has served with YDC for over four years, previously serving as the Executive Director and several executive roles. He has represented Canada abroad at the annual Y8 and Y20 Summits, and the 2014 Nuclear Knowledge Summit. Robert is the former Curator of the Ottawa Hub of the Global Shapers Community, part of the World Economic Forum. Robert is also a member of the Canadian International Council.
Robert is a contributor for the Times of Israel and The Huffington Post. He is an avid freelance writer whose work has appeared internationally on the pages of The Jerusalem Post, Gatestone Institute, Israel National News and Israel Ynet News, as well as in Canada in the National Post, The Windsor Star, The University of Toronto Scarborough Website and Blog, and Digital Robert has an Honours Bachelor of Arts Specialist Degree in Political Science from the University of Toronto (2009).
A full list of Robert's publications can be found here.
World Assessor is the personal blog of Robert David Onley. All views are expressly his own and do not represent the views of any organization or entity.
(Updated: Nov. 23, 2015)