In spite of Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent call for an inquiry into the Iranian ‘election’ results, and in spite of the potential for ‘reform’ embodied by Mir Hossein Mousavi, Iran and Israel are racing toward explosive armed conflict over Iran's covert - yet utterly flagrant and defiant - pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. Today, while the Iranian populace collectively and legitimately 'holds its breath' with regard to their nation’s electoral future, the depressing reality at the international level is that the Israeli-Iranian nuclear crisis will continue to deteriorate, and rapidly so.
Iran's president may change, however it is the Ayatollahs above Iran’s next president – be it Ahmadinejad or Mousavi – that remain Iran’s unchangeable, authoritative supreme leaders. Certainly the Ayatollahs cheered for one candidate or the other during the recent presidential campaigns, with Ahmadinejad’s re-election bid undeniably funded by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei et al. These are predictable variables in an unpredictable world.
However there can be no mistaking the chess-playing nature of
bringing millions of Americans to their feet to support America’s new awe-inspiring leader.
A Facade of Change
In Iran, while the stakes may not be as electorally significant, the facade of historic change by ‘electing’ a ‘
reformer’ such as Mir Hossein Mousavi may be just the trick needed for the longevity of the Ayatollahs Islamic theocracy and for the continuing development of a certain highly sought-after Iranian weapons capability. As such, Ayatollah Khamenei's call for an ‘inquiry’ into the presidential election may represent
the first move in a carefully crafted plan to create this appearance of change and bide
The simple reality is this: if
mies, first with Hezbollah in
More critically, the Ayatollahs also know that perhaps just another few months are needed to procure enough enriched uranium for multiple nuclear bombs. The world’s leading intelligence agencies are after precise knowledge as to how many nuclear weapons
'Invisible' Diplomatic Timeline?
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s overt hints that Israel is prepared to ‘defend itself’ through pre-emptive action against Iran’s nuclear program patently suggests that Israel knows time has essentially run out, regardless of how many potential nukes Iran might possess. For Netanyahu, there is no ‘invisible’ one-year timeline, one which President Obama appears to envision. Obama’s fanciful diplomatic talk is but a further distraction in an already strung-out ‘negotiation’ process with
Moreover, if Iran is still a full six months away from having the uranium for just one bomb, Iran’s uranium enrichment capacity will nonetheless continue to exponentially increase so long as more and more centrifuges are made operational in those very same six months. Thus for Israel, not only is Obama’s one-year negotiation ‘timeline’ ludicrously brief, the overall Iranian nuclear crisis ‘timeline’ is also shrinking faster for the world with each passing day and with each shiny new centrifuge.
Who Best For the Islamic Republic's Future?
Imagine then,
As the world’s most-loathed and disturbed fanatic, President Ahmadinejad represents all of the blatant contingencies that will likely provoke a conflict with

In light of this apocalyptic Iranian dream, the ‘election’ of an opposition candidate in Iran such as Mir Hossein Mousavi will not be a surprising result of the inquiry, as it will actually provide the necessary pomp, delay and circumstance for Iran to launch immediate, ‘full disclosure’, ‘peaceful’ nuclear negotiations with the Americans, thus ultimately gaining precious time for nuclear weapons and missile development.
At that point, Israel will be pressed so hard by all corners of the world to not launch preemptive strikes against Iran, that any action undertaken by Israel – even if limited to smaller isolated tactical strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites – will instantly ignite a horrifying barrage of missile attacks against Israel from Hezbollah, Hamas and more than likely from Iran itself. These missiles – particularly those launched from
No Alternative Options
The lone unresolved determinable variable is therefore the frightening decision for
These are brutal, objective realities. There are no other enemies on earth more determined to eliminate their target
globe today, only the State of Israel is subject to a tangible level of hate which literally threatens the actual, physical existence of
If there is one country and one leader wholly and entirely justified in resolutely eliminating an existential threat today, that country is
Robert D. Onley - Copyright 2009
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