Saturday, June 30, 2012

Egypt's New President Morsi: ”Our Capital Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willling”

Watch Egypt's newly elected Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi in his speech this past May, chanting that "Allah willing", "millions of martyrs will march on Jerusalem" as he declares that Egyptians are "all Hamas". Watch as eager crowds jump and scream and cheer this radical Islamist on, surely buoyed by delusions of heaven-bound suicide bombing madness.
The Islamist Morsi has since indicated that he will "revisit" Egypt's long-standing peace treaty with Israel. This was after he was elected. After!
Clearly, then, what the economically-broken, revolution-strained nation of Egypt needs is a devastating war with Israel, at a time when Syria is collapsing and negotiations with Iran are at an impasse. Not.
Morsi's rhetoric is despicable but unsurprising. If he starts a war with Israel, he can guarantee three things will come to an abrupt end: his Presidency; the Egyptian revolution; and any chance of a peaceful, democratic Egyptian state.
Is Morsi's hate-filled bile what the Arab Spring has wrought? Can we expect a similar Islamist whacko to take power in Syria should Assad fall?
If history has taught us anything, it's that Israel will not tolerate even a hint of warmongering from Morsi. This is an incredibly dangerous way to start your term, Mr. Morsi. Watch it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

3D Cities in Google Earth - what's next?

Where will Google stop? With the introduction of fully rendered 3D cities in Google Earth, the world's must influential tech company unleashes never before seen detail and depth, while adding a new realm to the Google user experience.

This is truly remarkable technology, almost unthinkable a mere five years ago. More striking is that the level of topographical precision available in Google Earth provides a tactical capability that will soon be in the hands of every smartphone user worldwide.

While impressive, the prospect of providing fully rendered 3D overviews of every major city raises questions about how such information could be used in the wrong hands. What was once the purview of superpower spy surveillance satellites is now effectively in the pockets of your average citizen - and your potential enemy.

As the technology develops, it will be interesting to see how Google finesses the fine line between pushing new technical frontiers and crossing old fashioned national security boundaries.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Intervene in Syria?

The Real Reason to Intervene in Syria – By James P. Rubin | Foreign Policy

A cogent, if a bit optimistic assessment of potential U.S.-led military intervention in Syria. Rubin suggests that toppling the Assad regime would help avert a greater war between Iran and Israel. I agree this would certainly de-fang Ayatollah Khamenei in the Levant at a crucial moment during negotiations over Iran's nuclear weapons program. A worthy read.